Tuttnauer Valueklave™ 1730 Dental Manual Autoclave Sterilizer

The Valueklave™ 1730 (7″ chamber) meets all basic steam sterilization needs at an unmatched price.

See Features, Specifications, Available Parts/Accessories, Product Brochure, Videos, and More Below.



The Valueklave 1730 (7″ chamber) is fast, durable, and easy to maintain and use. It is a small, low cost, low maintenance autoclave that heats up quickly for fast cycle times. This makes it perfect for a small office, or as a second fast working sterilizer for a larger practice. It is designed for use in Dental, Medical, Veterinary, Surgical, Tattoo, Body Piercing, and Cosmetology settings.

This sterilizer is also suitable for some Laboratory applications. If you need an autoclave for a lab, please contact us to discuss your specific needs. You should also consider Tuttnauer’s LABSCI line of sterilizers, which are designed specifically for use in a laboratory environment.

Tuttnauer makes automatic and manual sterilizers in a wide variety of sizes ranging from small countertop units the way up to stand alone Class B units for hospitals, laboratories, and surgery centers. Contact us to discuss whether or not the Valueklave 1730 is the right option for your situation. You can see all Tuttnauer™ models here.

Scroll down for more information including Features, Specifications, Product Brochure, Product Video, User Manual, available Repair Parts, helpful Accessories, Door Gaskets and PM-Kits, and more.

Why Tuttnauer™?

Tuttnauer offers flexible, affordable infection control systems for a wide range of applications. Since their start in 1925, they have been solely focused on infection control. With their large selection of automatic and manual sterilizers in diverse sizes and varying chamber dimensions, they have a solution for every need. Their autoclaves are the best choice for office based practices looking for maximum flexibility and productivity. They even offer customized solutions for customers with specialized needs. Quality and high safety standards are built into every machine. Qualified service personnel and repair parts are readily available.

Why MPS?

We carry the full line of Tuttnauer™ products. Many are in stock and ready for fast shipping. Unlike many other companies, we don’t cut corners to save money on shipping your sterilizer. A sterilizer is a considerable investment that should last for years, and it should be shipped in the safest way possible.

We will take the time to discuss your needs and make sure you purchase the right Tuttnauer™ sterilizer, no matter what size or type size or type of facility you are with. We can also recommend the right accessories, maintenance supplies, and monitoring/compliance products to go with your new Tuttnauer™ autoclave.

Valueklave™ 1730 Features

(Scroll down for Available Parts/Accessories, Videos, and Brochure)

Fast Cycle Time

  • Standard Unwrapped Cycle time is just 11 minutes from a hot start and 16 minutes from a cold start

Intuitive Control

  • Designed with the operator in mind, the colorful control panel is intuitive and easy to use

Durable Long Lasting Chamber

  • Electro polished chamber and door are made to last

Safe-Locking Door

  • Two safety locking devices prevent door from opening while chamber is pressurized

Overheating Protection

  • Dual safety thermostats and automatic shut-off deliver reliable protection from overheating

Simple Drainage

  • Valve is conveniently located at the front to allow quick and easy reservoir drainage


Technical Specifications

Overall Dimensions (Depth x Width x Height)

  • 17.9” x 17.4” x 12” (455mm x 440mm x 305mm)

Chamber Volume

  • 2 Gallon (7.5 Liter)

Chamber Dimensions

  • 7” x 13” (230mm x 470mm)

Tray Capacity

  • 3 Trays

Tray Dimensions

  • 11.6” x 4.7″ x 0.8” (295mm x 120mm x 20mm)

Standard Cassettes Capacity

  • 2 half

Voltage & Frequency

  • 120V, 50-60Hz

Power & Current

  • 1350W, 11A

Shipping Weight

  • 54 Lbs (25 Kg)


  • 1 year parts and Labor


Available Parts and Accessories


Informational and Instructional Videos

Valueklave 1730 Overview

Weekly Maintenance and Cleaning

Instrument Loading for Tuttnauer™ Tabletop Sterilizers


Valueklave 1730 Brochure

Valueklave 1730 Brochure


Valueklave 1730 Operation & Maintenance Manual


The Tuttnauer Valueklave™ 1730 Meets the Following Standards:

  • ASME

  • UL/EN 61010-1

  • FDA

  • ISO 13485:2003

  • ISO 9001:2000


Additional information

Weight 50 lbs
Dimensions 26 × 22 × 16 in